ISNI White Papers

PURPOSE: Neuroimmunology is a rapidly expanding field with tremendous and daily advances in fundamental and clinical research, both able to significantly impact patient care and clinical practise. Since 1982, ISNI has been the premier society of Neuroimmunology. Our aim is to be the benchmark in the field and our members are Key Opinion Leaders in all fields of neuroimmunology. The sponsorship of White Papers on topics of interest will cement ISNI’s leadership.

WORK PROCESS: The ISNI Executive and related committees will discuss the topics of the White Papers and appoint a White Paper Task Force Chair and members, and Co-Chairs and members of the “Human clinical translation in Neuroimmunology or Human Core Group” (HCG) and the “Animal MOdels mimicking aspects of human neuroimmunological diseases or Animal Model Core Group” (ACG) (by invitation only). The Co-Chairs and members of HCG and ACG will advise on appointing experts for the two large Working Groups: the Human Working Group (HWG)  and the Animal Model Working Group (AWG). The Task Force will invite these HWG and AWG experts. The HCG and ACG Co-Chairs will report to the Task Force, ensuring that the progress of both White Papers is communicated effectively.